Aug 7, 2012

A month already in Tica Land !!! = )

Yes I know, I can't believe it either! It's coming up on a month soon that I have been here in Costa Rica, more specifically in the town of San Isidro del General.

I have so much to share about this past month, and I also have so many pictures to share, however I will try to share it in pieces not to overwhelm you with information. In this post, I intent to describe my experience getting here and adjusting to this place so far in three different aspects: the culture, the people and the ministry! But before even sharing about these three, I would like to share a little bit about what God has been encouraging me with in His Word.

One day last week, my reading took me to Leviticus 22. This chapter talks about the requirements God gave Israel for their offerings of animals to God, the holiness and cleanness in the offerer and the offering and also who was allowed to partake of the holy things afterwards. I want to focus on the later one, who was to be allowed to eat of the holy offerings. First of all, the only ones in Israel that could partake of this meat were the priests, Aaron and his sons alone, making sure they were clean before God as per the requirements from V2-9. However, within the priests home, no outsider, hired servant or even outsider married to the priest's daughter could partake of the holy offerings. According to V11 only those bought by the priest with his money or born in his house were allowed to eat this holy food. These two called my attention: one bought by him or born of him. And I asked myself, isn't that me? My Hight Priest is Jesus Heb 6.20, and He bought me at a high price by His grace (1 Cor 6.2) and also gave me a new life making me to be born of His Word and His Spirit (1 Pet 1.23). Two very important Christian truths, redemption and regeneration. Through these God has allowed me to partake of the one holy and perfect sacrifice, and acceptable offering, once and for all, which is Jesus Christ himself, even thought I'm not worthy, and can not merit it in any way, He has done it all! I know it's so simple but so exciting to realize these truths again! The Lord encouraged me through this, reminding me that it's Him who does the work, it's His work! And serving here is all about Him and clinging to Him !!!!

THE CULTURE:  Well, even though I am Latina and speak Spanish, I have so much to learn and to adjust to. There's no cookie-cutter for Latin-American countries, each one has a different flavor, smell and taste for sure!. I love the experience of observing how they do things here, how they say things here, and just what they appreciate and value. So I'm in cultural training as I speak, whether you believe it or not. I have learned that to say: "necesito esto"(I need this), I have to say: "ocupo esto", and also that to say "es lejos de aqui" (it's far from here), I have to say: "es largo de aqui". I truly enjoy the local variants and feel like a child in a toy store, trying all the new words, sayings, local dishes, and a variety of fruit and vegetables! One super cool custom that I have to share a picture about is brewing coffee (of course coffee is so good, not so good as Colombian coffee but almost... hehehe). They brew coffee here the old fashioned way, with the fabric sock! It's called "cafe chorreado". I bought a typical "chorreador" to make it this way.... I love it !, Here it is .....

I also include a picture of the mountains that surround this valley, and have me in love with this place. They remind me so much of my beloved Colombia:

This is called Poma Rosa in Cali, but here they call it "Manzana de Agua" - "Water Apple". It's delicious! I picked this one from a tree in the mountains!

THE PEOPLE: Of course this is the main reason why I'm here!. First of all, the team I work with in the Bible College, Ryan, Gerry and Vanessa, have been so loving and welcoming! They have truly been a blessing to me here! We meet and pray together everyday for the bible study study, the people that God is touching and we meet, and for the students that are coming in a couple of weeks. The Lord is uniting us in His Spirit and bonding us little by little with His love, to serve Him together!. Secondly, I have been able to meet the people that are coming to the study, specially the girls and know more of their lives...It's been sweet to fellowship a little with them and see how God is working in each life so differently! Thirdly, I have started to establish some relationships with people I have come in contact with for whom I ask you to pray, that God gives me the right moment to share His gospel, and that He prepares their hearts to receive Him. Pray for: Ivan & Kimberly (guys at the photocopy place), Sussana & Alejandro (sales people at a local store), Lizet (girl that sells snacks in a local supermarket) and Flore (waitress at a local pizza place). They are all so different but all in need of Jesus! May God work in their hearts! Here are a couple of pictures of the team and and some people from the Sunday Bible Study.
Spending a holiday in the countryside
The team I serve with
Having lunch with the girls (Im taking the pic)
THE MINISTRY: All around me is ministry of course, and God is glorified even in the simplest ways and conversations!   However, specifically, God has blessed me with great kids to teach and serve! They are eager to learn His Word, new worship songs and to have fun together! God has given me so much grace with them! They are so sweet! I already love them all! I currently have a group of 4-6, it varies, depending on the families that show up to the study. We are doing a series on the Fruit of the Spirit, at the moment. Moreover, I have met with some of the girls that come to the Bible Study to talk, and listen to them and questions have come up that truly show their desire to seek truth and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Praise Jesus for them! They all study and work at the same time, and also find time to come, please keep them in prayer: Shirley, Gabby, and July! As for the Bible College, I will be teaching a Spanish course that Im preparing for at the moment, and will be serving with the American girls. Please pray for them too, it's 4 of them: Jena, Shavaine, Morgan and Wendla. May God give me His grace to love on them and bless them in every way He wants me to. Orientation week will start on Aug 20 and classes will start on Aug 27, please pray for a smooth, Spirit-filled, fruitful semester!. Lastly, I will be helping out with the Evangelism class, in terms of the outreach activities. Please pray that God gives me ideas on how to reach the women and children in San Isidro with an event!.
Sunday Bible Study- Kidz' Worship
I thank God for allowing me to be here, and thank Him for your lives, prayers and support that enable me to serve here my Lord and Savior! Prayer is more than half of the work so please continue to pray for San Isidro and for God to teach me and use me here for His Glory!

Abound in His Grace and Love!!!!